worker-bee|worker bee in English

bee that serves the queen bee, drone

Use "worker-bee|worker bee" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "worker-bee|worker bee" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "worker-bee|worker bee", or refer to the context using the word "worker-bee|worker bee" in the English Dictionary.

1. Bees live in colonies that contain the queen bee, the worker bee and the drone

2. If there is at least 1 Queen Bee and 1 Drone Bee in the Apiary, 20 worker bees and 14 Drone Bees will be produced every 2 minutes.

3. The nectar is partly digested in the gut of the worker bee and also concentrated , with addition of antiseptic preservatives .

4. 7 Over 000 people in Kerala are engaged in apiculture and the dwindling worker bee population poses a threat to their livelihood.

5. The Bee Improvement and Bee Breeders' Association (Bibba)

6. 17 With her iridescent fuchsia toenails and caramel-tinted hair,( Liang Yali does not exactly fit the stereotype of the "made in China" worker bee.

7. Bibba stands for Bee Improvement and Bee Breeders' Association

8. Apitherapy: Any therapy which uses bee products, especially bee venom.

9. University of Florida - Featured Creatures - Anthophora Abrupta - miner bee, chimney bee

10. The Africanized honey bee looks and sounds like a European honey bee

11. Anthophora Abrupta Say, also known as the chimney bee or miner bee, is a gregarious, yet solitary, ground-nesting bee

12. The Africanized bee is a hybrid species of the Western honey bee

13. The Africanized bee escaped and began to dominate the native honey bee.

14. Introduction • Bee keeping (Apiculture, forms from latin Apis - bees) is the mainatance of the honey bee colonies, commonly in humans by hive • A Apiartist (beekeepers) keeps bees in order to collect honey and other products including bee wax, pollen (Plant male gametophyte), royal jelly (the glandular secretions of young worker bees (4-10 days old), produced by the hypopharyngeal in the …

15. You're the best, Bee!

16. Earn an Honor Bee

17. A bee stung him.

18. The bee buzzed by.

19. Bee Brood refers to eggs, larvae and bee pupae in the world of beekeeping

20. Thus, a male bee always has one parent, and a female bee has two.

21. Bee- eaters eat bees.

22. Bee-eaters eat bees.

23. 3 words related to Balloonist: skilled worker, skilled workman, trained worker

24. An Apiarist monitors bee trees or bee sites, with the main goal of honey production

25. The network – named Beelines, in homage to Manchester’s civic symbol of the worker bee – includes 75 miles of Dutch-style segregated lanes and will be the largest joined-up network in …